Efficient Government for Practitioners

Posters can achieve several communication objectives simulataneously: communicate performance and results, recognize individual contributions, and stimulate competition among teams. Good posters:

  • Tell a story, including both text and graphics
  • Use good design to support the message
  • Recognize individuals
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Labor and Industries Communications Team created a series of four posters—“The Measure of Our Success”—that communicate performance and align the message with the priorities of the agency. Large file: 989k! (Contacts: Kim Contris or Jerry Gilliland). The Measure of Our Success
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General Adminstration created posters that tell a story, use attractive visuals, and provide results in data. Contact: Karen Pemerl. (File sizes: Poster10, Building renovation: 126 kb. Poster11, New employee orientation:103 kb).

Poster 10, Building Renovation
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Poster 11, New Employee Orientation
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Ecology’s posters discuss significant accomplishments by work teams, and include performance data. Photographs of team members add additional recognition. This poster celebrates a team that worked to educate stakeholders. (Contact: Dee Ragsdale. File size: 463k) Ecology Poster Includes Team Members
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