Get Involved in Education

Supporting your child's education is the most important contribution you can make to his or her success in school and in life. Research shows that regardless of income or education level, parent and family members' attitudes and beliefs about education can greatly influence children’s academic success. Students are more likely to achieve and less likely to drop out of school if they know that:

  • Their family has high expectations of them.
  • Their family values education.
  • They can talk about their hopes and dreams with their family.
  • Their family supports them and contributes to their education.
  • Their family and their teachers are working together as partners to ensure their academic achievement.

Partner with Your School

The level of collaboration between families and educators is an important predictor of student academic achievement. Parents and family members who establish strong, positive relationships with school staff have more opportunities to learn about the education system and become better education advocates. 

Successful school-family partnerships are built on mutual respect, trust, equality, and a joint vision for student achievement. There are a number of ways you can be an active partner with your child’s school:

  • Start the relationship right—let school staff know you respect them and will work with them. 
  • Attend meetings, parent teacher conferences and school events.
  • Check in with teachers regularly, not just when there’s a problem.
  • If a problem arises, always ask for an opportunity to express your side, and ask for and listen to the school’s side of the issue.
  • Know as much as you can about public education. Learn how the school system works and stay informed about current education issues.
  • Let the school know you will follow up on important issues concerning your child.
  • Keep track of how your child is doing in the classroom. Follow up on reported problems.
  • Respond promptly to all communications from school.
  • Ask your child regularly how he or she thinks things are going at school.  If things are not going well, ask his/her opinion for improvement. 
  • Look for chances to help your child communicate his/her thoughts and feelings to teachers and others.
  • Make sure the school has current information about you, your family, emergency contacts, and relevant medical information for your child.

Tips for parents to get involved in education

25 Tips to Get Involved in Your Child’s Education | Español (Spanish)

Become an education advocate

How to be an Education Advocate | Español (Spanish)

Parent teacher conferences

Make the Most of a Parent-Teacher Conference (A Guide for Families of Elementary School Students)

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