About this Report

Legislative Building




From the Governor
Achieved to Date
Washington's National Recognition 
Quality Through Innovation
Quality Through Improved Services
Quality Results in Financial Savings

In April of 1997, Governor Locke issued an Executive Order directing all state agencies to develop and implement a program to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the public services they provide.

Everyone is involved-agencies, employees, businesses, taxpayers. The mandate is simple-find out what is not working well and fix it. Quality improvements and regulatory reform go hand in hand, all to improve customer service.

Quality initiatives are also a great way to encourage employees to be creative, to get excited about the work they do, to have ownership in their operations, and to see innovation and change occurring.

The Governor's Quality Improvement Initiative is an opportunity for everyone to win as government demonstrates that it is responsive, effective, and efficient.

This report reflects the progress made through December of 1998.

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