Department of Health, Death Certificates, July 1, 1907-1999 - Annie - Preston Armstrong - James Sulliunn - Et Al.

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Date Added Name Comment
2/17/2009 Dale Father's name is James SULLIVAN. Annie was born in Boston, MA. Annie is buried in Shelton Mem Cemetery in Shelton, WA.
2/17/2009 Dale As a note for additional Relatives: Annies is first cousin to the great John L. (Lawrence) Sullivan.
11/21/2011 Gerald Annie (Sullivan) Armstrong is my great grandmother. They had a son, Preston Armstrong, that is my grandfather. He died when I was about 6 or 7. He is Ida B (Butler) Armstrong husband. Ida is my grandmother. My dad, Paul E Armstrong, is Preston and Ida's son. He has 2 brothers Stanley B and Preston (Buck). Buck's son, Tracy (deceased) is also Preston Armstrong. My uncles and several cousins have since passed away but my dad, Paul, is 93 and still lives in Shelton. My brother Gene lives in Olympia.
Preferred Citation:
Preferred Citation: [Identification of item], Department of Health, Death Certificates, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives,, [date accessed].
Source of Transfer:
State Government Archives
Health, Department of
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