News Releases
Office of Governor Gary Locke
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 17, 1998
Contact:  Governor's Communications Office, 360-902-4136

Locke names Kristin Tucker to head Arts Commission

OLYMPIA — Gov. Gary Locke today named Kristin Tucker, executive director of the Boise City Arts Commission, as the new executive director of the Washington State Arts Commission.

"I look forward to having Kris lead the Arts Commission through this century and into the new millennium," Locke said. "The arts community in Washington needs a strong advocate, and Kris has the talents and skills to pull together a variety of interests to make exciting things happen."

"I am honored to be selected for this position," Tucker said. "I look forward to working with artists and art supporters throughout the state and expanding cultural opportunities for all people."

Tucker, 44, has served as the executive director of the Boise City Arts Commission since 1993. She also has served as a consultant with the Idaho Arts Advisory Network and the SouthWest Arts Network. She has worked to lead the Boise arts community through a time of significant expansion, including developing public art collections, cultural development and a comprehensive city plan for art.

Before serving on the Boise City Arts Commission, Tucker was a freelance writer and served on a number of nonprofit organizations. She earned a bachelor's degree from Oregon State University and has done graduate work at Boise State University.

Tucker will assume her new role Jan. 11, 1999. The position carries an annual salary of $58,872.

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