Efficient Government for Practitioners

Employee surveys are used to learn how employees value internal services, communication, or other elements of job satisfaction.

Description Tool
The Department of Personnel (DOP) offers an online survey that can be used by state agencies to survey employees ($2 per response, $10 per report). DOP’s Best Practices page describes the survey and its usefulness. Sample of the Online Survey (Follow instructions on-screen)
Examlpe: DOP uses a version of their online survey, above, to assess employee attitudes about customer focus, job satisfaction, learning, etc. Department of Personnel’s Survey
Microsoft Word version   Adobe Acrobat version
Example: Department of Revenue’s 2003 employee survey looks at factors affecting employee satisfaction (11 pages, 99k, Wendy Fraser, DOR). Department of Revenue 2003 Employee Survey
Microsoft Word version   Adobe Acrobat version
Example: To guide staff conducting the employee survey, above, Revenue prepared a document with timelines, and ideas for eliciting good feedback (Wendy Fraser, DOR). Department of Revenue Staff Guide
Microsoft Word version   Adobe Acrobat version
Example: Labor and Industries’ employee survey from 2002 asks about aspects of the Baldrige model. (22k) Labor and Industries’ 2002 Employee Survey
Microsoft Word version   Adobe Acrobat version

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