Meeting Summary
September 15, 1998
9:00am - 1:00pm
The Seattle Room
WestCoast SeaTac Hotel
Seattle, Washington


Commission Attendance

Melinda French Gates, Co-Chairs; Lisa Brown, Don Brunell, Craig Cole, Kim Cook,
Yolanda Cortinas-Trout, Robin Dunn, Sheri Flies, Peter Jackson, Marty Jacobs, Mary Ellen
O’Keeffe, Scott Oki, Dee Ann Perea, Dee West, Lawrence White, Kyle Yasuda and Diana Yu.

Others in Attendance

Sheila Connors, Marsha Fraser; Meeting Facilitators

Meeting Summary:

Mrs. Gates welcomed the commission members and discussed a few housekeeping details.
Mrs. Gates announced that the Commission will be sponsoring Town Hall Meetings across
the State to gain public input from parents and communities on the work of the
Commission. So far, three dates have been chosen for Eastern Washington. They are
November 10,19 and December 8. The forums will be in Yakima, Tri-Cities and Spokane.
Mrs. Gates asked that Commission members try to be available when the Town Hall
Meeting occurs in their community. Further details will be coming from Robin as soon
as arrangements are made. Western Washington forums will be held after the first of
the year. Mrs. Gates also explained that any legislative agenda the commission may
come up with would need to occur in October, and members should be thinking about

Mrs. Gates then introduced the facilitators Sheila Connors and Marsha Fraser who were
asked to come back to continue discussion and facilitation of the Commission’s purpose
and goals.

The Commission had previously been divided into four groups. The facilitators started
with an overview of what was to occur during this working session.

The first item was to review and clarify the data and input that was collected during
the August 15th meeting. They reviewed the summary statements from each category,
and the "need to know" list.

The facilitators then asked each commission member to write down the top three
expectations they each had for the work of the Commission. Then the Commission did
a "gallery walk" to review each other’s expectations of the Commission’s work.

Then, based on these expectations, each group was asked to develop a purpose
statement. A summarization of all of the common themes were collected in the areas
of; the Commission’s commitments, what outcomes would occur, what values to work
by, and what the indicators of success are.

The final process of the working groups was to have each group identify three goals
for the commission, and then to summarize the common goals between groups. 

A few issues were identified that need to be addressed prior to concluding on the goals
of the commission. They are: 1) What is the connection between the Governor’s charge
for the Commission and where the Commission is currently going? 2) Whether or not
the outcomes of the Commission should be community-based, state-based, or both.
3) Should the Commission include pre-natal issues in its purpose?

Time ran out before the development of goals was completed and the Commission agreed
to finish the process in October.

The meeting was adjourned.

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