Governor’s Commission on Early Learning


August 18, 1998

10:00am - 1:00pm

The Seattle Room

WestCoast SeaTac Hotel

Seattle, Washington


Meeting Summary


Commission Attendance

Mona Lee Locke and Melinda French Gates, Co-Chairs; Kathryn Barnard,

Lisa J. Brown, Don Brunell, Craig Cole, Kim Cook, Yolanda Cortinas-Trout, Alex A. Deccio, Sheri Flies, Peter Jackson, Marty Jacobs, Lynn Kessler, Mary Ellen O’Keeffe, Scott Oki, Dee Ann Perea, Gigi Talcott, Yvonne Ullas, Dee West, Gayle Womack, and Kyle Yasuda and Diana Yu.


Others in Attendance

Sheila Connors, Marsha Fraser; Meeting Facilitators


Special Guest

Rob Reiner



Meeting Summary:

Ms. Gates welcomed the commission members and introduced two meeting facilitators; Sheila Connors and Marsha Fraser. Ms. Gates explained that the facilitators would be joining the commission for the next several meetings to assist the commission in goal setting and organization, and that they would focus on team building.

Ms. Gates then introduced two Commission members who had were attending for the first time and asked them two tell the commission a little about themselves.


Yolanda Cortinas-Trout of Walla Walla is the owner and director of Yolanda’s ABC-123 Child day-care, a licensed family home child care facility. Coming from a family of 18 brothers and sisters Yolanda has developed a love of children. Growing up as one of the middle children, Yolanda helped to raise her younger siblings.


Peter Jackson of Spokane is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Foundation Northwest. Foundation Northwest supports a variety of human services efforts in seven eastern Washington counties. Mr. Jackson has extensive experience in reviewing grant applications and grant management. Mr. Jackson is focused on creating opportunity and self-sufficiency.

Ms. Gates also asked the rest of the commission members to again introduce themselves.

Ms. Locke then introduced Robin Zukoski. Ms. Zukoski introduced Jennifer LeSourd, a new staff member to the commission. Ms. Zukoski then explained to the commission members that any materials that they or members of the public wanted to share would be on a handout table at each meeting. Commission members are encouraged to take a copy of each document for their review.

Ms. Locke then introduced special guest speaker Rob Reiner.


Reiner presentation overview

Mr. Reiner is the founder of the I am Your Child campaign which was started in 1997. Mr. Reiner personally has faced challenges and has seen patterns as an adult, which he now attributes to early childhood development. He wanted the public to know about the critical factors in the development of brain growth between birth and three years old. Thus, he started the I am Your Child campaign.

Mr. Reiner’s campaign has three goals:

To raise public awareness about the importance of early childhood development.

To disseminate information to all parents.

To move policy makers to help them understand the implications.

Mr. Reiner emphasized his belief that any effort in the area must integrate 5 major areas of concern. 1.) Pre-natal care, 2.) Health care access, 3.) Quality child care, 4.) Intervention, 5.) Parental Involvement.

Currently, Mr. Reiner is supporting an Early Learning Ballot Initiative in California. Funded by cigarette tax, this initiative directs all moneys to the county level where a county by county assessment can take place. Each county can determine where the needs are for the children in that region.

After Mr. Reiner’s presentation, Ms. Locke opened the meeting up for discussion with Mr. Reiner.


Ms. Locke then introduced the facilitators Sheila Connors and Marsha Fraser. Ms. Connors and Ms. Fraser then explained that the commission will break into groups to discuss the question: Given what we have heard and seen in the past and today and based on out personal thoughts and beliefs, what significant information do we now know pertinent to the Commission’s charge?

The Commission divided into four groups. Members of the audience formed an additional group of public participants. After approximately 40 minutes of discussion each small group made a brief report back to the group as a whole. The results from the breakout groups are attached.

Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Gates again thanked the Commission members for their participation. Ms. Zukoski reminded the Commission that the next meeting was scheduled for September 15 from 9:00am – 1:00pm at the same location (WestCoast SeaTac Hotel).

The meeting was adjourned.

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