Establishing the Washington State Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

The most efficient and effective delivery of government services to the citizens of the state of Washington requires close cooperation between the state and local governments. Such cooperation must be characterized by openness, frankness, and mutual support. The current decline in resources available to the state and to local governments and the impact on those governments of the changing role of the Federal government make cooperation even more necessary. That cooperation can best be achieved by establishing a formal, ongoing entity that permits discussion, study, and resolution of matters of mutual concern to all governments within the state of Washington.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Spellman, Governor of the state of Washington, do hereby order that:

1. The Washington State Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations is hereby established.

2. The Governor will be the chair of the Commission. In the Governor's absence, the Director, Planning and Community Affairs Agency, will act as the chair.

3. Members of the Commission shall represent the state government and local governments, shall come from all regions of the state, and shall include:

- Six elected county officials
- Six elected city officials
- Director, Office of Financial Management
- Director, Planning and Community Affairs Agency
- Director, Department of Revenue
- Secretary, Department of Social and Health Services

The chairs and ranking minority members of the Senate and House Local Government Committees shall also be invited to be members of the Commission.

4. The Commission shall be a forum for considering matters of mutual interest to state and local governments. The Commission may propose potential solutions to common problems in order to improve relations among governments in the state of Washington, for the benefit of the citizens of the state and its communities.

5. As a first order of business, the Commission shall review and study the various proposals currently being discussed that would alter the relationship between the Federal government and state and local governments. The Commission may advise the Governor and the legislature on ways the state should proceed in that matter.

6. The Commission will meet regularly.

7. The Planning and Community Affairs Agency will provide administrative support to the Commission and will coordinate staff support for the Commission with the Office of Financial Management and other relevant state agencies.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the State of
Washington to be affixed at Olympia this
18th day of May A.D., Nineteen hundred and eighty-two.

John Spellman
Governor of Washington


Assistant Secretary of State

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