Return to Supplemental Budgets
Agency 490
Department of Natural Resources
Recommendation Summary
Dollars in Thousands
FY 97 FTEs General Fund-State Other Funds Total Funds
1995-97 Expenditure Authority 1,490.6 40,749 184,179 224,928
Supplemental Changes
Fire Protection Support 1,500 (1,500)
Emergency Fire Suppression 4,174 4,174
Subtotal - Supplemental Changes 5,674 (1,500) 4,174
Total Proposed Budget 1,490.6 46,423 182,679 229,102
Difference 5,674 (1,500) 4,174
Percent Change from Current Biennium 13.9% (.8)% 1.9%
Supplemental Changes
Fire Protection Support
The Department's fire protection program is funded through a mix of assessments on landowners placed in the Forest Fire Protection Assessment Account (FFPA) and the state General Fund. In order to maintain fund balance necessary for an adequate fire protection in the 1997-99 Biennium, additional General Fund-State support is provided. (General Fund-State, Forest Fire Protection Assessment Account)
Emergency Fire Suppression
Funding is provided to cover unbudgeted fire suppression costs for Fiscal Year 1997.