Return to Supplemental Budgets
Agency 465
State Parks and Recreation Commission
Recommendation Summary
Dollars in Thousands
FY 97 FTEs General Fund-State Other Funds Total Funds
1995-97 Expenditure Authority 544.4 36,347 30,356 66,703
Supplemental Changes
Maintain Current Park Operations 2,400 (2,400)
Subtotal - Supplemental Changes 2,400 (2,400)
Total Proposed Budget 544.4 38,747 27,956 66,703
Difference 2,400 (2,400)
Percent Change from Current Biennium 6.6% (7.9)%
Supplemental Changes
Maintain Current Park Operations
State parks revenue has not been growing at the rate anticipated. In order to maintain existing service levels both in the current and upcoming biennium, additional General Fund-State is provided. (General Fund-State, Parks Renewal and Stewardship Account)