Return to Supplemental Budgets
Program 130
DSHS - Child Support Services
Recommendation Summary
Dollars in Thousands
FY 97 FTEs General Fund-State Other Funds Total Funds
1995-97 Expenditure Authority 1,361.1 37,839 171,509 209,348
Supplemental Changes
Welfare Reform Info System Impacts 82 83 165
ACES Cost Recovery 71 133 204
Incentive Pay (141) 141
Legal Resources 748 1,452 2,200
Child Support Services Account 490 490
Subtotal - Supplemental Changes 1,250 1,809 3,059
Total Proposed Budget 1,361.1 39,089 173,318 212,407
Difference 1,250 1,809 3,059
Percent Change from Current Biennium 3.3% 1.1% 1.5%
Supplemental Changes
Welfare Reform Info System Impacts
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (H.R.3734) has significant impacts on the Department's information systems. Modifications must be made to the existing information systems to accommodate changes in eligibility, enhanced tracking requirements, and expanded reporting requirements. The systems affected include the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES), the Case and Management Information System (CAMIS), the Interactive Terminal Information System (ITIS), the Financial Super System (FSS), and the Economic Services Administration Child Care System (ESA Child Care). (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
ACES Cost Recovery
This item funds additional Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES) costs associated with system operation and additional contractor and state staff required to reduce problem and change request response times. The original projections in the Advanced Planning Document (APD) did not adequately maintain ACES during the conversion period. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Incentive Pay
The child support collection incentive pay received from the federal government is projected to increase in the November 1996 forecast. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Local)
Legal Resources
Funding is provided for increases in the workload of county prosecuting attorneys who have taken on most of the Division of Child Support cases from the Office of Attorney General. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Child Support Services Account
Funds are provided to cover the projected negative book balance of the Child Support Services Account (Fund 753). This account is used for the distribution of child support collections.