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Program 070
DSHS - Alcohol And Substance Abuse
Recommendation Summary
Dollars in Thousands
FY 97 FTEs General Fund-State Other Funds Total Funds
1995-97 Expenditure Authority 101.7 20,189 150,463 170,652
Supplemental Changes
Loss of SSI Federal Revenue (3.7) (746) (746)
Referral & Monitoring Agency 3.7 325 325
Persons Losing SSI/SSDI Benefits 840 840
ADATSA Shelter Increase 125 125
ACES Cost Recovery 56 56
SSPS Year 2000 Critical Maintenance 30 30
Subtotal - Supplemental Changes 1,376 (746) 630
Total Proposed Budget 101.7 21,565 149,717 171,282
Difference 1,376 (746) 630
Percent Change from Current Biennium 6.8% (.5)% .4%
Supplemental Changes
Loss of SSI Federal Revenue
The federal government is discontinuing funding for referral and monitoring functions for clients with substance abuse disabilities. (General Fund-Federal)
Referral & Monitoring Agency
Funding is provided to maintain the referral and monitoring functions for those clients reapproved for Social Security Income (SSI) due to a non-substance abuse determination.
Persons Losing SSI/SSDI Benefits
Funds are required for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Treatment and Support Act (ADATSA) caseloads associated with the elimination of SSI/SSDI benefits for persons disabled due to substance abuse.
ADATSA Shelter Increase
Funds are provided for increased caseload in ADATSA Shelter due to elimination of federal SSI/SSDI eligibility for persons disabled due to substance abuse.
ACES Cost Recovery
This item funds additional Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES) costs associated with system operation and additional contractor and state staff required to reduce problem and change request response times. The original projections in the Advanced Planning Document (APD) did not adequately maintain ACES during the conversion period. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
SSPS Year 2000 Critical Maintenance
Funding is provided for modification of the agency's Social Service Payment System (SSPS)-Phase 1 to ensure correct date functioning through and beyond the Year 2000. This application provides authorization and payment calculation for services performed for clients, and collects social service client data required for state and federal reports. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)