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Program 010
DSHS - Children and Family Services
Recommendation Summary
Dollars in Thousands
FY 97 FTEs General Fund-State Other Funds Total Funds
1995-97 Expenditure Authority 1,902.6 319,913 278,498 598,411
Supplemental Changes
Social Service Block Grant 535 (535)
Welfare Reform Info System Impacts 35 35 70
ACES Cost Recovery 81 36 117
SSPS Year 2000 Critical Maintenance 354 159 513
Secured Crisis Residential Centers (4,000) (4,000)
Division of Licensed Resources 4.5 146 146
Foster Care/Adoption Forecast 8,282 2,882 11,164
Office of Constituent Relations 4.0 343 343
SSI for Foster Children 5.0 632 281 913
Employment Child Care Unexpenditure (951) (951)
Title IV-E For Profit Agencies (269) 269
Title IV-E Eligibility Specialists 2.5 132 60 192
Child Care Quality .5 320 347 667
Child Care Database .1 58 63 121
Temporary Assistance Transfer 8,528 (8,528)
Subtotal - Supplemental Changes 16.6 14,080 (4,785) 9,295
Total Proposed Budget 1,919.2 333,993 273,713 607,706
Difference 16.6 14,080 (4,785) 9,295
Percent Change from Current Biennium .9% 4.4% (1.7)% 1.6%
Supplemental Changes
Social Service Block Grant
For the current federal fiscal year, the U.S. Congress has reduced funding for the Social Services Block Grant. This item replaces that amount with General Fund-State funding to maintain current services provided by the Division of Children and Family Services. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Welfare Reform Info System Impacts
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (H.R.3734) has significant impacts on the department's information systems. Modifications must be made to the existing information systems to accommodate changes in eligibility, enhanced tracking requirements, and expanded reporting requirements. The systems affected include the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES), the Case and Management Information System (CAMIS), the Interactive Terminal Information System (ITIS), the Financial Super System (FSS), and the Economic Services Administration Child Care System (ESA Child Care). (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
ACES Cost Recovery
This item funds additional Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES) costs associated with system operation and additional contractor and state staff required to reduce problem and change request response times. The original projections in the Advanced Planning Document (APD) did not adequately maintain ACES during the conversion period. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
SSPS Year 2000 Critical Maintenance
Funding is provided for modification of the Agency's Social Service Payment System (SSPS)-Phase 1 to ensure correct date functioning through and beyond the Year 2000. This application provides authorization and payment calculation for services performed for clients, and collects social service client data required for state and federal reports. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Secured Crisis Residential Centers
Beginning in Fiscal Year 1997, the Department received $4.5 million to contract with private vendors for secured crisis residential centers. There has been a lack of providers who are willing to provide this service because of possible litigation concerns. This item reduces the funding to $500,000 for the fiscal year because of the slower start-up of these services.
Division of Licensed Resources
Governor Mike Lowry issued Executive Order #96-03 on January 11, 1996, creating the Division of Licensed Resources within Children's Administration. The goal in issuing the executive order was to strengthen licensing in out-of-home care. The Governor's Office budget includes one-time general fund-state funding for the children's services Management Improvement Project. A portion of this funding will be transferred to the Department of Social and Health Services to establish the Division of Licensed Resources. This item funds the federal match and the FTE staff associated with those state dollars. (General Fund-Federal)
Foster Care/Adoption Forecast
The 1996 forecast estimates that the total family foster home caseload will decrease by an average of 1 percent or 101 children from Fiscal Year 1996 to Fiscal Year 1997. Group home caseload estimates remain relatively constant. However, the average cost per child per month for family foster homes is estimated to increase by 9 percent or $58 per month.

The adoption support caseload will increase by an average of approximately 13 percent or 464 children from Fiscal Year 1996 to Fiscal Year 1997. The estimated average cost per month per child is expected to increase by approximately 5 percent or $16 per month.
Office of Constituent Relations
The 1996 Legislature reduced the Children's Administration Fiscal Year 1997 budget by $343,000 and transferred the 4.0 FTE staff to fund the Office of Family and Children's Ombudsman who will report directly to the Governor. This funding is tied to the Office of Constituent Relations which is statutorily established in RCW 74.13.045 and whose function is not replaced with the new Ombudsman office. This item replaces those transferred dollars and allows the Department to meet the existing mandate.
SSI for Foster Children
Changes in federal welfare legislation will decrease the number of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligible children currently served by the Children's Administration and will reduce the number of children that will be eligible in the future. In addition, the new legislation requires a medical redetermination every three years for those children receiving SSI which will result in a significant impact on the division's workload. This item reflects lower projected SSI recoveries for children in foster care due to this law change and increased staffing required to manage the medical eligibility redeterminations for approximately 929 children in foster care. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Employment Child Care Unexpenditure
Employment child care was expanded in the 1996 supplemental budget by 3,050 slots for Fiscal Year 1997. The Department has experienced some delay in eligibility determinations and in processing the authorizations for these additional slots. This item captures the July through September savings.
Title IV-E For Profit Agencies
Prior to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (federal welfare legislation), states could not claim Title IV-E for maintenance of a child placed in foster care by a for-profit agency. This items provides the federal funding which allows our state to claim the Title IV-E funding. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Title IV-E Eligibility Specialists
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (federal welfare legislation) severs the connection between Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Title IV-E eligibility. This item provides funding for eligibility specialists to reconstruct AFDC eligibility factors in accordance with the state AFDC program as it existed in July 1995 in order to determine a child's current IV-E eligibility. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Child Care Quality
The new federal Child Care and Development Fund requires that a minimum of 4 percent be spent on improving the quality and capacity of the child care system. The activities currently defined as quality do not meet the new definition. This item funds additional investments in the child care system so the state is better prepared to meet the child care demands related to the federal welfare legislation. These investments include:
1) Assisting low income child providers in paying for fingerprint checks; 2) Ensuring timely and consistent fire safety inspections; 3) Expanding child care resource and referral efforts; 4) Providing funding for child care provider training; and 5) Providing grants to child care providers to support expansion of off-hours child care.
Child Care Database
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (federal welfare legislation) mandates new federal reporting requirements for child care. This item provides funding to construct a child care database from Social Services Payment System (SSPS) files. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)
Temporary Assistance Transfer
With the implementation of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant, additional work and time limit requirements will be placed on families served by the federal funding. These additional requirements will be harder to track at the client level in the Division of Children and Family Services. This item transfers the TANF federal funding from the Division of Children and Family Services to Economic Services. The same amount of state funding is then transferred out of Economic Services and placed in the Division of Children and Family Services. (General Fund-State, General Fund-Federal)