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Agency 461
Department of Ecology
RCW 43.21A

Request $247,591,991
Net change from current biennium $17,148,012 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 7.4% Increase

The Department of Ecology is responsible for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of Washington's environment and for promoting the wise management of the state's air, land, and water for the benefit of current and future generations.

The goals of the Department are to: reduce risks to human health and protect Washington's land, air, and water; work for environmental solutions which respect local values and contribute to economic vitality; strengthen our organization to meet new challenges and provide high-quality services; and continue to build a supportive work force.

Links to Program Level Detail

Administration and Support


Central Programs

Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services

Shorelands and Coastal Zone Management

Water Quality

Water Resources

Toxics Cleanup

Nuclear Waste

Hazardous Waste

Solid Waste

Agency Level Summary

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Operating Budget: Summary
1995-97 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance 1993-95 Actual 1995-97 Estimated 1997-99 Proposed
45,192,060 62,697 General Fund - Basic Account - State 53,217,145 45,129,363 45,734,961
42,430,372 4,843,866 General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 38,461,531 37,586,506 48,215,372
2,371,323 44,085 General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 5,092,750 2,327,238
General Fund - Basic Account - Governors Emergency 468,017
1,389,580 182,048 General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 766,126 1,207,532 643,580
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 159,216
42,000 Special Grass Seed Burning Research - State 50,804 42,000 43,000
2,712,118 2,152 Reclamation Revolving Account - State 1,998,475 2,709,966 2,457,118
10,068,195 38,508 Flood Control Assistance Account - State 10,029,687 10,001,195
318,506 318,506 St Emergency Water Projects Revolv - State 134,750 323,506
189,000 26,000 Industrial Insurance Premium Refund - State 171,996 163,000 3,000
5,706,259 1,000 Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 5,147,218 5,705,259 5,814,259
1,069,778 525 St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 2,292,858 1,069,253 1,085,778
Public Works Assistance Account - State 3,996,962
Water Resource Administration Acct - State 7,143,075
1,395,325 St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 1,346,785 1,395,325 1,367,325
182,000 Basic Data Account - State 200,000 182,000 185,000
5,759,000 1,262,967 Vehicle Tire Recycling Account - State 3,649,442 4,496,033 1,276,000
750,000 Water Right Permit Processing Acct - State 750,000 263,000
4,682,484 5,548 Water Quality Account - State 2,695,055 4,676,936 2,907,484
1,256,678 Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 1,139,558 1,256,678 1,073,678
418,987 Worker/Community Right to Know Acct - State 437,723 418,987 475,987
51,531,801 1,167,195 State Toxics Control Account - State 45,355,011 50,364,606 51,860,508
46,535 State Toxics Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 391,105 46,535
3,933,199 Local Toxics Control Account - State 2,802,268 3,933,199 4,347,198
20,231,543 907,908 Water Quality Permit Account - State 18,727,610 19,323,635 20,592,543
2,401,710 39,000 Underground Storage Tank Account - State 2,755,659 2,362,710 2,440,710
3,642,856 1,711,577 Solid Waste Management Account - State 9,209,943 1,931,279 1,074,856
3,559,050 Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 3,013,563 3,559,050 3,618,050
16,671,320 450,000 Air Pollution Control Account - State 13,810,555 16,221,320 16,417,613
Air Pollution Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 24,773
5,599,540 Oil Spill Administration Account - State 3,518,492 5,599,540 3,111,540
4,667,120 463,446 Air Operating Permit Account - State 3,023,939 4,203,674 4,029,120
2,059,414 296,001 Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 1,118,280 1,763,413 1,857,414
7,060,000 7,000,000 Oil Spill Response Account - State 153,221 60,000 7,178,000
311,995 261,670 Metals Mining Account - State 50,325 45,995
172,760 Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 176,662 172,760 174,760
1,444,366 Water Pollution Control Revolving - Federal 969,361 1,444,366 1,746,366



Total Appropriated Funds




Non-Appropriated Funds
Coastal Protection Account - Non-Appropriated 163,183 235,404 84,000
Environmental Settlement Account - Non-Appropriated 79,200 26,400
Total Non-Appropriated Funds




Total All Funds




Capital Budget: Summary*
1995-97 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance 1993-95 Actual 1995-97 Estimated 1997-99 Proposed
368,809 General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 371,992 368,809
7,377,883 7,239,883 St Emergency Water Projects Revolv - State 1,593,479 138,000 7,377,883
6,216,000 4,028,749 St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 1,137,616 2,187,251 4,239,718
19,061,633 13,961,618 St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Waste Disp Fac - State 5,927,881 5,100,015 13,961,094
102,689 102,689 State Building Construction Account - State 280,828 532,689
9,876,208 6,763,571 St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 2,423,787 3,112,637 7,249,066
Site Closure Account - State 6,433,381
117,613,263 37,812,919 Water Quality Account - State 77,912,815 79,800,344 98,352,926
68,858,290 33,328,744 Local Toxics Control Account - State 58,211,943 35,529,546 64,259,149
25,000,000 19,933,681 Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 6,741,895 5,066,319 79,081,895
132,891,241 107,565,667 Water Pollution Control Revolving - Federal 33,701,419 25,325,574 121,071,241
4,265,272 4,265,272 Water Pollution Control Revolving - Private/Local



Total Appropriated Funds




*For detail projects, see 1997-99 Capital Plan.

Operating Budget: Summary by Object

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries And Wages 57,265,117 57,334,993 58,321,216 59,848,295 59,953,638
Employee Benefits 14,433,205 14,398,872 14,402,676 15,329,251 15,335,736
Personal Service Contracts 9,037,126 3,717,579 5,364,551 10,602,347 10,879,857
Goods And Services 22,489,329 23,518,721 12,657,598 11,491,726 11,443,394
Travel 1,543,249 1,283,805 1,252,364 1,406,825 1,410,955
Capital Outlays 3,976,452 1,218,031 1,702,682 2,159,772 2,060,770
Grants, Benefits & Client Services 11,823,374 7,175,080 18,572,325 16,230,787 16,152,805
Debt Service 3,704,847 5,455,881 5,419,069 6,572,199 6,790,200
Interagency Reimbursements (2,133,158) (1,473,333) (242,544) (49,380) (49,380)
Intra-Agency Reimbursements (102) 2 364,411 11,095 11,099

Annual Total






Operating Budget: Program Summary

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Administration and Support 20,583,053 14,236,691 10,370,620 13,052,781 13,267,816
Air 15,378,127 13,974,871 17,262,199 16,928,674 16,927,701
Central Programs 10,240,921 9,303,330 10,115,387 11,825,518 11,829,518
Environmental Invest & Lab Services 6,220,936 6,095,594 5,999,948 6,408,216 6,408,218
Shorelands & Coastal Zone Mgt 8,234,439 6,232,380 13,235,283 11,965,636 11,964,224
Water Quality 14,947,960 18,128,460 17,301,322 17,048,270 17,043,628
Water Resources 7,096,359 7,267,332 6,801,811 9,796,664 9,979,208
Toxics Clean-Up 11,960,492 10,674,797 12,920,061 12,292,236 12,288,463
Nuclear Waste 6,892,572 6,895,097 6,661,135 8,058,152 8,057,150
Hazardous Waste 7,986,420 8,260,753 9,814,209 8,915,271 8,913,976
Solid Waste 12,598,160 11,560,326 7,332,373 7,311,499 7,309,172
Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 104,579,797
Biennium Total




Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

1993-95 Actual 1995-97 Estimated 1997-99 Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
Belated Claims (421,255) (100.0)%
Administration and Support (5,700,838) (12.8)% (14,319,343) (36.8)% 1,713,286 7.0%
Air 6,506,988 30.2% 3,191,073 11.4% 2,619,305 8.4%
Central Programs 2,989,108 20.5% 1,822,864 10.4% 4,236,319 21.8%
Environmental Invest & Lab Services 1,538,032 15.9% 890,621 7.9% 720,892 6.0%
Shorelands & Coastal Zone Mgt (419,920) (2.9)% 5,571,026 40.1% 4,462,197 22.9%
Water Quality 4,016,601 16.1% 6,418,049 22.1% (1,337,884) (3.8)%
Water Resources (976,201) (6.0)% (1,180,886) (7.7)% 5,706,729 40.6%
Toxics Clean-Up (2,123,345) (8.6)% 911,398 4.0% 985,841 4.2%
Nuclear Waste 1,388,997 11.4% (19,491) (0.1)% 2,559,070 18.9%
Hazardous Waste 2,100,236 15.9% 2,732,820 17.8% (245,715) (1.4)%
Solid Waste (2,003,845) (8.6)% (2,293,388) (10.8)% (4,272,028) (22.6)%








Employment Summary

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 1,497.8 1,380.4 1,383.4 1,460.0 1,459.2
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 38,233 41,535 42,158 40,992 41,087

Program Level Detail

Administration and Support

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The Administration and Support program provides executive direction and general administrative support to the entire agency. Activities include budget, accounting, personnel, data and word processing, comprehensive planning, legal counsel, public information, and regional management functions.

Objectives are to manage the agency in a lawful and efficient manner and to provide leadership and direction in the management of the state's environmental quality.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 170.1 158.4 157.0 156.4 156.1
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 48,639 47,966 47,969 49,064 49,072

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 10,500,286 9,478,001 9,395,137 9,636,583 9,619,582
Grants and Subsidies 9,205 1,182
Other Operating Costs 10,073,562 4,757,508 975,483 3,416,198 3,648,234

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 18,343,601
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 6,981,835 3,853,268 3,492,656 3,358,013 3,388,030
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 2,523,448 1,540,885 2,045,831 1,129,385 1,129,404
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 358,008 1,878
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 60,708 20,975 49,448 19,225 22,226
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 5,271
Special Grass Seed Burning Research - State 1,000
Reclamation Revolving Account - State 207,495 71,114 63,353 122,461 125,461
Flood Control Assistance Account - State 70,557 121,298 109,554 122,553
St Emergency Water Projects Revolv - State 28,500 2,000 3,000
Industrial Insurance Premium Refund - State 100,299 163,000 1,000 2,000
Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 450,259 320,219 439,949 360,625 367,626
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 263,868 35,416 80,964 83,605 83,604
Public Works Assistance Account - State 91,020
Water Resource Administration Acct - State 273,848 273,848
St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 179,877 49,030 100,554 105,319 107,319
Basic Data Account - State 1,000 2,000
Vehicle Tire Recycling Account - State 68,798 63,261 69,260
Water Right Permit Processing Acct - State 46,376 28,685 88,803 89,803
Water Quality Account - State 187,270 132,923 231,954 217,370 222,369
Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 22,443 13,033 13,034 25,605 28,606
Worker/Community Right to Know Acct - State 50,443 11,418 47,800 29,447 30,455
State Toxics Control Account - State 4,139,374 4,383,738 807,553 3,313,394 3,370,394
State Toxics Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 13,257 4,323
Local Toxics Control Account - State 319,174 139,308 178,980 250,701 254,700
Water Quality Permit Account - State 987,846 1,994,011 406,032 1,529,718 1,551,718
Underground Storage Tank Account - State 226,894 117,265 146,496 165,348 168,347
Solid Waste Management Account - State 684,815 15,694 13,000 70,317 75,316
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 618,763 109,639 219,295 238,599 243,598
Air Pollution Control Account - State 1,119,441 839,226 1,091,023 663,216 681,216
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 325,969 365,745 262,497 266,496
Air Operating Permit Account - State 308,331 386,182 219,389 333,537 339,536
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 129,901 7,756 66,896 70,895
Oil Spill Response Account - State 55,246 63,245
Metals Mining Account - State 2,146 3,147
Coastal Protection Account - Non-Appropriated 1,840 1,839
Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 19,922 18,713 1,345 1,345
Water Pollution Control Revolving - Federal 109,824 61,500 36,825 106,460 108,460

Annual Total







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The purpose of the Air program is to manage air quality throughout the state. The program has primary responsibility in 19 of the state's 39 counties and oversight responsibility through local air pollution control authorities in the remaining 20 counties. The program has statewide authority for airborne emissions from chemical pulp mills, primary aluminum smelters, and motor vehicles.

The primary objective is to attain and maintain a level of air quality that meets federal and state air quality standards in order to protect public health and the environment.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 151.7 147.4 151.6 160.4 160.4
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 35,668 39,808 40,880 41,299 41,542

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 6,792,240 7,342,472 7,769,780 8,306,440 8,350,175
Grants and Subsidies 3,870,944 3,052,711 4,763,885 4,075,481 4,031,746
Other Operating Costs 4,714,943 3,579,688 4,728,534 4,546,753 4,545,780

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 12,667,870
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 3,919,532 3,106,856 3,226,883 3,312,280 3,312,281
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 2,047,458 2,508,439 3,062,460 4,431,287 4,431,314
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 1,766,820 1,184,970
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 5,232
Special Grass Seed Burning Research - State 28,799 1,503 40,497 21,000 21,000
Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 640,664 452,457 778,154 508,483 508,483
State Toxics Control Account - State 8,738
Air Pollution Control Account - State 6,324,081 5,402,782 8,692,597 7,445,422 7,444,421
Air Pollution Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 10,070
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 8,739
Air Operating Permit Account - State 623,226 1,312,632 1,461,608 1,210,202 1,210,202

Annual Total






Central Programs

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Central Programs administers many cross-program activities which are centrally located to provide efficient use of resources. Activities include: civil compliance and criminal investigation; spill prevention and response; environmental review coordination; sediment and dredged material management; and multimedia environmental regulation of major industries.

Objectives are to: minimize to the extent possible the damage from spills; reduce and ultimately eliminate sediment contamination; limit the environmental impact of major industrial facilities; and ensure consistent and effective enforcement of environmental laws.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 150.6 122.3 122.3 113.4 113.4
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 35,676 41,149 40,807 43,179 43,450

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 6,669,583 6,361,680 6,037,849 6,107,194 6,138,756
Grants and Subsidies 5,420 452,824 1,764,289
Other Operating Costs 3,565,918 2,488,826 2,313,249 5,718,324 5,690,762

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 7,354,932
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 4,687,806 2,506,383 2,498,804 2,669,028 2,669,025
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 55,927 778,687 372,157 372,159
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 570,795 114,890 147,956
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 142,016 207,918 110,092
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 151,279
Reclamation Revolving Account - State 714 714
Flood Control Assistance Account - State 428 428
Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 3,137 3,137
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 589 589
St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 654 654
Water Quality Account - State 1,600 1,600
Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 139 139
State Toxics Control Account - State 1,604,593 2,075,377 2,170,977 2,098,684 2,098,684
State Toxics Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 42,212
Local Toxics Control Account - State 500,000 502,067 502,068
Water Quality Permit Account - State 844,723 1,118,235 793,608 922,189 922,189
Underground Storage Tank Account - State 1,782 1,782
Solid Waste Management Account - State 11,267
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 2,522 2,523
Air Pollution Control Account - State 55,633 28,745 42,097 33,981 33,981
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 1,576,273 2,018,561 3,215,234 1,272,674 1,277,674
Air Operating Permit Account - State 351,236 299,182 442,355 370,474 370,474
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 296 297
Oil Spill Response Account - State 33,121 10,403 49,597 3,529,755 3,529,754
Metals Mining Account - State 938 11,062 1,679 678
Coastal Protection Account - Non-Appropriated 156,252 101,799 133,605 40,161 40,160
Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 808 809

Annual Total






Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services

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Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services functions as Ecology's primary technical resource, responsible for collecting and interpreting environmental data, analyzing environmental samples, and overseeing the quality of all agency data.

Its primary objective is to provide technical environmental data to help Ecology staff make informed environmental management decisions.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 101.6 102.9 101.0 105.4 105.4
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 37,539 39,363 39,396 39,643 39,643

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 4,816,985 5,083,202 4,989,006 5,252,419 5,252,418
Grants and Subsidies 2,075
Other Operating Costs 1,403,951 1,010,317 1,010,942 1,155,797 1,155,800

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 4,983,985
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 2,884,013 2,901,669 3,064,925 3,042,208 3,042,208
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 465,738 1,006,584 446,310 746,115 746,115
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 247,823
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 1,931
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 31,047 16,299 48,677 31,597 31,598
Water Resource Administration Acct - State 375,000 375,000
State Toxics Control Account - State 807,020 772,542 849,983 781,898 781,899
State Toxics Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 83,942
Water Quality Permit Account - State 1,552,651 1,323,435 1,520,770 1,372,953 1,372,954
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 8,933
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 139,769 73,134 69,283 58,445 58,444

Annual Total






Shorelands and Coastal Zone Management

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The purpose of the Shorelands and Coastal Zone Management program is to support local community protection of shorelands, wetlands, coastal resources, floodplains, and erosion-sensitive areas. The program also provides public access to the state's waters and manages the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, an education and research facility.

The objectives are to provide financial and technical assistance, information, education, research, planning, and review services to support local protection of shorelands, wetlands, floodplains, and erosion-sensitive areas.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 78.5 70.8 72.8 80.7 80.2
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 37,304 40,543 42,049 42,430 42,694

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 3,661,396 3,608,882 3,826,455 4,282,352 4,282,352
Grants and Subsidies 3,496,714 1,086,568 8,069,164 6,107,670 6,106,670
Other Operating Costs 1,076,329 1,536,930 1,339,664 1,575,614 1,575,202

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 5,662,198
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 2,218,627 1,806,348 2,648,767 2,382,346 2,381,641
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 2,828,116 3,100,800 2,022,163 4,623,188 4,622,482
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 336,000
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 1,931 51,753 7,507 7,506
Flood Control Assistance Account - State 1,273,479 8,564,353 4,876,595 4,875,595
Public Works Assistance Account - State 2,849,765
Water Resource Administration Acct - State 76,000 77,000

Annual Total






Water Quality

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The purpose of the Water Quality program is to protect public health and the environment by preventing and reducing pollution to Washington's waters.

Water Quality objectives are to: establish and maintain water quality standards; reduce or eliminate water pollution from industrial and municipal sources through effective permitting and compliance assurance; improve water quality through management of nonpoint source pollution from forest practices, agricultural activities, and stormwater; fund community wastewater treatment and nonpoint pollution projects; and provide technical assistance and information.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 228.0 222.2 226.6 229.5 229.5
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 39,269 42,085 43,184 43,619 43,619

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 11,162,435 11,630,029 12,211,113 12,480,795 12,480,794
Grants and Subsidies 898,139 631,086 2,006,899 597,765 597,765
Other Operating Costs 2,887,386 5,867,345 3,083,310 3,969,710 3,965,069

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 14,063,773
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 2,380,230 4,020,301 2,379,349 2,853,086 2,852,437
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 2,998,129 3,384,630 3,193,123 3,676,552 3,675,129
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 37,418 877,544
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 95,835 102,177 1
Reclamation Revolving Account - State 7,373 7,373
Flood Control Assistance Account - State 8,021 8,021
Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 22,170 22,169
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 755,627 498,796 221,652 345,118 345,117
Public Works Assistance Account - State 16,800
St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 21,522 21,989 2,705 2,705
Water Quality Account - State 1,079,137 1,845,072 2,466,987 1,232,273 1,232,272
Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 1,112 1,111
State Toxics Control Account - State 562,616 584,796 771,214 826,919 826,919
Local Toxics Control Account - State 39,198 14,612 14,612
Water Quality Permit Account - State 5,890,373 6,447,138 5,396,696 6,264,260 6,261,699
Underground Storage Tank Account - State 12,593 12,592
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 17,828 17,827
Air Pollution Control Account - State 16,814 20,679 24,464 57,304 57,304
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 13,133 16,099 16,100
Air Operating Permit Account - State 19,050 19,050
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 566,123 624,476 988,764 801,071 801,070
Metals Mining Account - State 11,463 26,862 19,173 19,172
Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 70,106 85,411 68,636 85,227 85,226
Water Pollution Control Revolving - Federal 426,421 481,999 864,042 765,723 765,723

Annual Total






Water Resources

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The purpose of the Water Resources program is to manage the state's water resources to meet the health, safety, and economic needs of state residents and to protect natural resources dependent on water. Dam safety, well driller licensing, and well construction are related functions necessary to further this purpose.

Objectives are to: manage and share data on water availability and use, well logs, water right applications, permits, certificates, claims, well construction, dam safety, and other water related data; ensure that dams are designed, built, and maintained to ensure public safety; and protect public safety and ground water quality through licensing of well drillers and oversight of well construction.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 95.7 106.2 100.8 133.5 133.5
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 38,349 40,139 38,240 41,718 41,718

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 4,568,341 5,327,022 4,829,100 7,000,235 7,000,234
Other Operating Costs 2,528,018 1,940,310 1,972,711 2,796,429 2,978,974

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 8,153,670
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 4,953,456 4,822,733 4,592,406 5,078,897 5,077,106
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 10,536 8,800 668 668
General Fund - Basic Account - Governors Emergency 468,017
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 131 132
Reclamation Revolving Account - State 920,872 1,310,489 1,265,010 1,096,511 1,096,511
St Emergency Water Projects Revolv - State 76,661 159,253 159,253
Water Resource Administration Acct - State 2,754,023 2,938,356
St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 587,353 525,795 676,435 573,984 573,985
Basic Data Account - State 90,000 130,000 52,000 91,000 91,000
Water Right Permit Processing Acct - State 467,779 207,160 42,197 42,197

Annual Total






Toxics Cleanup

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The Toxics Cleanup program is responsible for getting contaminants out of the environment and preventing new contaminated sites from being created.

The program's main objectives are to: address the contaminated sites that pose the highest risk to public health and the environment; encourage the use of flexible or voluntary approaches so contaminated sites that provide less risk can be cleaned up faster; and prevent new contaminated sites from being created, principally through underground storage tank regulation and technical assistance.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 165.7 152.9 152.9 160.6 160.6
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 37,980 41,956 43,635 37,324 37,369

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 7,838,679 7,991,972 8,311,651 7,564,847 7,571,838
Grants and Subsidies 7,478 2,150 1,030,498 1,023,507
Other Operating Costs 4,114,335 2,680,675 4,608,410 3,696,891 3,693,118

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 10,722,968
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 41
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 1,836,311 2,829,413 3,385,192 4,011,882 4,011,881
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal Unanticipated 1,056,419
State Toxics Control Account - State 7,554,478 6,712,412 8,395,133 7,241,221 7,237,449
State Toxics Control Account - Private/Local Unanticipated 141,858
Local Toxics Control Account - State 34,239 113,079
Underground Storage Tank Account - State 1,277,646 1,072,292 1,026,657 1,039,133 1,039,133
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 14,580
Environmental Settlement Account - Non-Appropriated 79,200 26,400

Annual Total






Nuclear Waste

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The Nuclear Waste program is responsible for ensuring sound management of nuclear waste statewide, with particular emphasis on protection and restoration of the United States Department of Energy's Hanford Site.

The program's major objectives are to: protect the environment and the health and safety of workers and the public; promote technically sound, expeditious, and cost-effective cleanup actions; provide for active citizen and tribal involvement in decision making; and ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 85.4 86.1 86.0 95.0 95.0
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 39,574 42,064 42,955 37,827 37,895

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 4,221,390 4,534,175 4,617,683 4,513,973 4,520,657
Grants and Subsidies 2,711 900 1,847,364 1,847,364
Other Operating Costs 2,668,471 2,360,022 2,043,452 1,696,815 1,689,129

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 6,683,151
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 92,494 43,771 74,472 61,803 61,802
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 3,318,036 3,235,971 1,774,541 3,261,715 3,261,038
General Fund - Basic Account - Private/Local 236,143 210,898 447,108 293,426 293,426
State Toxics Control Account - State 3,126,027 3,233,165 4,200,750 4,239,002 4,238,678
Water Quality Permit Account - State 89,636 87,089 86,434 123,524 123,525
Air Pollution Control Account - State 1,877 77,830 384 384
Air Operating Permit Account - State 30,236 82,326 78,298 78,297

Annual Total






Hazardous Waste

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The Hazardous Waste program is responsible for assisting businesses in reducing hazardous waste and hazardous substance use and for overseeing overall hazardous waste management.

The program's major objectives are to facilitate preventing pollution and to safely manage hazardous waste through technical assistance and regulation.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 133.9 125.5 126.5 139.2 139.2
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 36,466 39,922 41,673 35,919 36,018

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 6,114,809 6,253,702 6,581,719 6,342,438 6,357,345
Grants and Subsidies 1,000 400 441,729 441,429
Other Operating Costs 1,870,611 2,006,651 3,232,490 2,131,104 2,115,202

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 7,355,722
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 229,716
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 1,635,552 1,644,782 1,510,368 1,736,163 1,736,164
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 29,258 36,243 27,911 32,916 32,916
Worker/Community Right to Know Acct - State 184,099 189,495 170,274 208,043 208,042
State Toxics Control Account - State 4,975,431 5,097,737 6,638,227 5,625,779 5,624,483
Water Quality Permit Account - State 221
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 926,084 1,292,275 1,467,429 1,312,370 1,312,371
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 6,280

Annual Total






Solid Waste

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The Solid Waste program is responsible for providing a regulatory system and technical assistance for the proper environmental management of solid waste and providing grants to local governments to assist them to comply with environmental regulations and to implement their solid waste management systems.

The program's major objectives are to: provide technical assistance to local health departments on solid waste management; equitably administer grants to local governments for investigation and cleanup of hazardous waste sites and for implementation of solid and hazardous waste plans and programs; oversee Ecology Youth Corps; and provide other recycling and waste reduction services.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 136.6 85.7 85.9 85.9 85.9
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 31,380 37,980 38,233 33,573 33,825

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 5,352,178 4,122,728 4,154,399 3,690,270 3,715,223
Grants and Subsidies 3,531,763 1,945,184 1,968,088 2,130,280 2,104,324
Other Operating Costs 3,714,219 5,492,414 1,209,886 1,490,949 1,489,625

Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 8,587,927
Biennium Total




Source of Funds

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
General Fund - Basic Account - State 312,202 37,439 52,292 96,385 96,385
General Fund - Basic Account - Federal 71,916 62,295 34,696 119,953 119,953
Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 1,919,157 2,230,855 2,714,236 2,518,518 2,516,877
St/Loc Improvements Revolving Acct - State 48,300 46,682 56,613 49,065 49,064
Vehicle Tire Recycling Account - State 2,853,878 4,338,136 157,897 571,739 571,740
State Toxics Control Account - State 710,462 1,564,211 2,106,791 1,777,896 1,777,209
Local Toxics Control Account - State 1,023,867 1,412,310 1,555,283 1,404,219 1,404,219
Water Quality Permit Account - State 78,217 69,853 80,113 73,907 73,907
Solid Waste Management Account - State 5,425,762 1,743,949 158,636 464,611 464,612
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 152,656 54,596 415,816 235,206 235,206
Oil Spill Administration Account - State 1,743

Annual Total




