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Agency 407
Transportation Improvement Board
RCW 47.26

Request $252,495,000
Net change from current biennium $85,014,000 Decrease
Percent change from current biennium 50.8% Decrease

The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) is responsible for the distribution of state funds to cities, counties, public transportation systems, and Public Transportation Benefit Areas (PTBAs) for the development of the arterial road system and transit-related projects in the state.

The goals of the Board include providing financing for the construction of arterial and street improvements to alleviate and prevent traffic congestion; assisting in the coordination of long-range, comprehensive transportation planning between local and state agencies; and improving Washington's transportation system to further the economic development of the state.

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Transportation Improvement

Small City

Central Puget Sound Public Transportation

Public Transportation Systems

Urban Arterial Trust

City Hardship Assistance

Agency Level Summary

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Capital Budget: Summary
1995-97 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance 1993-95 Actual 1995-97 Estimated 1997-99 Proposed
43,312,474 9,388,323 Urban Arterial Trust Account - State 28,280,318 33,924,151 67,159,000
173,091,077 51,836,989 Transportation Improvement Account - State 96,590,097 121,254,088 142,014,000
2,404,781 1,289,860 City Hardship Assistance Account - State 1,399,353 1,114,921 2,712,000
14,541,246 9,165,000 C Puget Sound Public Transportation - State 5,376,246 27,610,000
2,882,781 1,216,793 Public Transportation Systems Acct - State 1,665,988 5,000,000
5,704,556 1,558,950 Small City Account - State 4,145,606 8,000,000



Total Appropriated Funds




Capital Budget: Summary by Object

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries And Wages 782,766 837,349 894,216 911,456 914,318
Employee Benefits 174,838 190,179 200,091 226,146 226,701
Goods And Services 118,680 124,008 137,354 127,455 127,452
Travel 64,395 76,400 72,363 90,775 90,775
Capital Outlays 40,529 27,594 33,058 54,148 54,148
Grants, Benefits & Client Services 73,529,173 67,538,927 97,347,138 124,834,535 124,837,091
Intra-Agency Reimbursements 1,253 1,070
Annual Total






Capital Budget: Program Summary

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Transportation Improvement Account 63,861,338 51,250,468 70,003,620 71,006,061 71,007,939
Small City Account 2,652,279 1,493,327 3,999,449 4,000,551
Central Puget Sound Public Transpor 31,590 5,344,656 13,805,000 13,805,000
Public Transportation System Accoun 832,626 833,362 2,499,466 2,500,534
Urban Arterial Trust Account 10,245,684 13,509,759 20,414,392 33,579,056 33,579,944
City Hardship Assistance Account 603,359 518,988 595,933 1,355,483 1,356,517
Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 51,559,387
Biennium Total




Capital Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

1993-95 Actual 1995-97 Estimated 1997-99 Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
Transportation Improvement Account 37,146,614 62.5% 24,663,991 25.5% 20,759,912 17.1%
Small City Account 4,145,606 3,854,394 93.0%
Central Puget Sound Public Transpor 5,376,246 22,233,754 413.6%
Public Transportation System Accoun 1,665,988 3,334,012 200.1%
Urban Arterial Trust Account (17,971,349) (38.9)% 5,643,833 20.0% 33,234,849 98.0%
City Hardship Assistance Account 1,279,559 1,068.1% (284,432) (20.3)% 1,597,079 143.2%







Employment Summary

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 16.4 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 47,730 46,519 49,679 50,636 50,795

Program Level Detail

Transportation Improvement

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The Transportation Improvement program provides funding for transportation projects for urban counties, cities with a population over 5,000, and Transportation Benefit Districts. Through its project selection process, the TIB requires multiagency planning and coordination and public/private partnerships to further the goal of achieving a balanced transportation system in Washington State. Projects must help to relieve congestion caused by economic development or growth; be consistent with state, regional, and local transportation plans (including transit and rail); and be partially funded by local contributions.

The objectives of the Transportation Improvement program are to: encourage multimodal/intermodal projects, local match contributions, and economic development; reduce the miles of roadway where the service level is below the agency's adopted service level; and reduce the economic loss due to accidents.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 13.7 12.9 12.9 9.9 9.9
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 47,438 60,817 51,948 50,636 50,795

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 791,174 962,728 820,067 625,681 627,561
Grants and Subsidies 62,883,384 49,597,098 69,001,619 70,230,572 70,230,572
Other Operating Costs 186,780 690,642 181,934 149,808 149,806
Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 32,728,759
Biennium Total




Source of Funds - Transportation Improvement Account - State

Small City

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The Small City program assists cities with a population less than 5,000. Projects are selected primarily based on the condition of the pavement, roadway geometrics, and safety. Cities with a population of 500 or less have no local match requirements. Cities with a population of greater than 500 have a 5 percent local match requirement.

The objective of the Small City program is to reduce the miles of roadway with substandard pavement conditions.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 1.3 1.3 0.5 0.5
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 30,948 26,435 54,688 54,858

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 49,371 42,054 34,129 34,230
Grants and Subsidies 2,567,493 1,441,943 3,957,149 3,958,149
Other Operating Costs 35,415 9,330 8,171 8,172
Annual Total





Biennium Total



Source of Funds - Small City Account - State

Central Puget Sound Public Transportation

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Central Puget Sound Public Transportation program funds are allocated to Puget Sound public transportation projects for planning, capital project development, high capacity transportation systems development, HOV lane development, and other public transportation system-related roadway projects. Public transportation system contributions required to fund projects under federal programs are also eligible. Additional match and participation of financial partners with public, private, and private nonprofit agencies is encouraged.

The objectives of the Central Puget Sound Public Transportation program are to: encourage projects that construct or improve park and ride lots; improve multimodal/intermodal facilities; and encourage projects that leverage local funds.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 0.2 0.2 2.3 2.3
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 51,517 51,679

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 147,889 148,334
Grants and Subsidies 29,825 5,343,586 13,621,703 13,621,259
Other Operating Costs 1,765 1,070 35,408 35,407
Annual Total





Biennium Total



Source of Funds - C Puget Sound Public Transportation - State

Public Transportation Systems

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Funds from the Public Transportation Systems program are allocated to public transportation projects for planning, capital projects development, high capacity transportation systems development, HOV lanes development, and other public transportation system-related roadway projects. Public transportation system contributions required to fund projects under federal programs are also eligible.

The objectives of the Public Transportation Systems program are to: encourage projects that construct or improve park and ride lots; improve multimodal/intermodal facilities; and encourage projects that leverage local funds.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 62,865 53,695 45,573 45,718

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 15,429 13,142 22,752 22,821
Grants and Subsidies 806,128 817,304 2,471,267 2,472,267
Other Operating Costs 11,069 2,916 5,447 5,446
Annual Total





Biennium Total



Source of Funds - Public Transportation Systems Acct - State

Urban Arterial Trust

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The Urban Arterial Trust program funds arterial road and street projects for cities with a population of 5,000 and over and urban counties. The selected projects increase mobility and improve safety, geometrics, and structural concerns. Projects are selected based on the following criteria: structural ability of the roadway to carry loads (pavement condition); alignment and related geometrics of the roadway (pavement width and roadway width); capacity to move traffic (operating speed and volume/capacity); safety (annual benefit due to accident reduction); and people-carrying capacity.

The objectives of the Urban Arterial Trust program are to: reduce the miles of roadway where the service level is below the agency's adopted service level; reduce the economic loss due to accidents; and reduce the miles of roadway with substandard pavement conditions.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 2.5 3.2 3.2 4.7 4.7
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 53,147 52,578 50,421 50,579

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 166,430 205,902 295,776 296,663
Grants and Subsidies 10,042,430 13,999,009 20,162,811 33,212,461 33,212,461
Other Operating Costs 36,824 (489,250) 45,679 70,819 70,820
Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 18,034,634
Biennium Total




Source of Funds - Urban Arterial Trust Account - State

City Hardship Assistance

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The City Hardship Assistance program provides funding to offset extraordinary costs associated with the transfer of state highways to cities under 20,000 population. The main criteria for project selection is pavement condition, although accident experience and relationship to other local agency projects are also considered.

The objective of the City Hardship Assistance program is to improve the structural condition of local roadways.

Program Employment

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Average FTE Staff Year Costs 53,695 45,570 45,715

Expenditure Detail

1994-95 Actual 1995-96 Estimated 1996-97 Estimated 1997-98 Proposed 1998-99 Proposed
Salaries and Benefits 13,142 11,375 11,410
Grants and Subsidies 603,359 539,374 579,875 1,341,383 1,342,383
Other Operating Costs (20,386) 2,916 2,725 2,724
Annual Total






Fiscal Year 1993-94 795,994
Biennium Total




Source of Funds - City Hardship Assistance Account - State