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Message from the Director Ombudsman

Welcome to the Web site of the Office of the Family and Children's Ombudsman. This office was established in 1996 by the Washington State Legislature to serve as an independent voice for families and children.

Please take a few moments to explore our site. You will find helpful information about our office and how we address concerns about the child protection and child welfare system. You will also find information on other places you can go for help with child and family-related issues. In addition, for your convenience, we have posted all of our annual and special investigation reports. We also have posted our complaint form, which you may download and send to us if you want to file a complaint.

I hope you will call upon this office if you believe that a family or child would benefit from our assistance. Furthermore, I encourage you to contact us with your views on how we can better serve families and children and on the system issues or practices that you believe are the most important for our office to address. We welcome and would greatly appreciate having your perspective.

Thank you for visiting us.


Mary Meinig
Director Ombudsman