The Blog

David Dicks, Executive Director of Puget Sound Partnership David Dicks, Executive Director of Puget Sound Partnership


Whether you live, work or play on Puget Sound, or just enjoy its undeniable beauty, you have a stake in its recovery. Gov. Chris Gregoire and the Legislature recognized this when they created the Puget Sound Partnership, a community-led effort with citizens at the helm.

As we continue to develop the Action Agenda, the region’s roadmap for bringing the Sound back to health, the Partnership is conducting another round of Sound-wide public meetings this month.

We are asking the public to identify actions and programs for the community they live in that will lead to a restored Sound, as well as to review newly drafted community profiles that outline local conditions, opportunities, threats and strategies.

These meetings come on the heels of some exciting news for Puget Sound. Thanks to Congress’ introduction last month of the Puget Sound Recovery Act of 2008, Puget Sound is moving to its rightful place as a national priority — on par with Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes and the Everglades. The bill would establish an EPA office for Puget Sound to support the Partnership, so it’s no longer a question of if we get funding, but rather how much funding we get.

But the real key to the protection and restoration of Puget Sound is your involvement. I have been overwhelmed by the broad, enthusiastic public participation in the development of the Action Agenda so far, and look forward to more conversations throughout July.

For more information about the meetings, scheduled for July 14–30, visit: